

The Lion’s Gate is  a powerful Spiritual and astrological event associated with the alignment of Earth, the star Sirius, and the constellation Orion. It is considered a potent time for setting intentions and manifesting desires. It’s believed that the high vibrational energy during this period enhances our ability to create and attract what we seek. This is a time for spiritual growth, self-realization, and heightened awareness.

Sirius, known as the “Spiritual Sun,” is the brightest star in the sky and holds significant esoteric importance. It is believed to carry higher consciousness and spiritual wisdom. During the Lion’s Gate, Sirius rises in conjunction with the Sun, amplifying the energy available for spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

The constellation Orion, often associated with the Egyptian gods Osiris and Isis, symbolizes cosmic knowledge and spiritual transformation. The alignment with Orion during the Lion’s Gate connects us to ancient wisdom and the mysteries of the universe.

The energy of the Lion’s Gate is most potent from July 26th to August 12th, with the peak on August 8th (8/8). This period is an ideal time for meditation, setting intentions, and engaging in spiritual practices. The number 8 itself is significant in numerology, symbolizing infinity, balance, and cosmic order, further amplifying the power of this portal. The alignment with Sirius and Orion during this period opens a gateway to ancient wisdom and universal truths, offering a unique opportunity for personal and spiritual transformation.

I would like to invite you to join The Radiant Goddess Tribe for our Lion’s Gate Mini Retreat Sunday August 11th at 3pm. With this retreat you can expect:

-Astrology talk with Dana
-Kundalini movement and breath with Dana
-Trauma informed transformational breathwork with Jenny
-Floating Holographic Sound Healing
-Summer herbal tea
-Gifts for all attendees

Align with your highest self and tap into your biggest manifestations. Find the link in my bio for registration. Investment $222

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